Hong Kong: New Territories Cycle and Hong Kong Park

Tuesday 14 January 2014

It was finally the weekend, and after a rough night of partying the day before, we managed to drag ourselves out of bed and onto the MTR (Hong Kong's tube line) all the way to Tai Wai. On the platform we met Julian, Pete's friend. He is originally from Hong Kong and was able to show us around and educate us about life in the New Territories. He was also extremely useful as an interpreter with the local shops. 

We hired bikes and set off on our adventure. For those who know me, I am not the fittest person in the world, so when I discovered that our journey was actually going to be 4 and a half hours long, you can imagine my enthusiasm... I reckon the boys could have got there faster, but I blame my bike and my inability to work gears properly. Here is the route we took below:  

It was fascinating cycling on this route, as the cycle path ran the whole way. As it was a Saturday, and a lovely day, there were quite a few people out on the track. A lot of adults had stabilisers, but at least they were giving it a go. We cycled past big squares, temples, lots of skyscrapers, monuments. It was all man made, something I could not get my head around. 

When we finally got to Tai Po, we had to take a detour through the Waterfront park, which was full of people flying kites and playing with model boats, and then through an industrial park. We may or may not have cycled through a DO NOT ENTER part, but hey, it got us to where we wanted to go....

We made it to road towards the Dam, our final destination, and watched the sun set. It was unbelievable, my new favourite word on this trip. The road along the Dam was covered in flies, and I was thankful my sunglasses acted as windscreen wipers!

After the four and a half hour ride, yes I had to repeat, we returned the bikes with five minutes to spare and headed to a local restaurant for some Chinese casserole, a local delicacy for the area. It was placed on a cooker, and everyone was able to share the top bit, whilst the turnips cooked below. It bubbled away nicely as we ate and the waitress topped it up with more stock every now and again.

We went out again that night, but I was so tired and not in the mood really. The next day was another hangover for the group, and Pete had to work :( So I ventured around Hong Kong Park.

I liked the Feng Sui Garden, and sat here for a bit working out how to get to the aviary.

The aviary is like something out of Jurassic Park, and is filled to the brim with birds from all over the world. It was so cool to walk through, and see all the birds flying about.

Yan was playing a hockey game at the Hong Kong Football Club, and so I went along to watch him. And what a pitch it is! Look at the view! I sat with his housemate and friend, and it was nice to have some female company after some major male bonding time. Yan's team also won, yay! Afterwards we went to the club house and had some nibbles, and then watched a movie.

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